Links To Other Interesting Web

Check out what's going on with
TBN!Trinity Network.
Exercise "Ever Increasing Faith" with Dr.
Fredrick K. C. Price.
He's been a member of the TBN family since
it's early days.Jerry
Find out how to "Breakthrough" with
Pastor Rod Parsley!
Visit the Crystal Cathedral site from which emanates the Hour of Power telecast.
Continuing to fight for our religious freedoms is The
American Center for Law and Justice.
Join the "Debt Free Army" at John Avanzini's
"Christ for All Nations" is the vision of Reinhard Bonnke.
Get in on the R.I.O.T. (Righteous Invasion of Truth) at Carman's
Drop in at The
Cathedral at Chapel Hill for a visit with Bishop Earl Paulk.
How about thumbing through "Charisma
Viewers in Houston Texas should check in at Community
Educational TV.
Check out the Kenneth Copeland Ministries site.
Visit with Dr. D. James Kennedy at Coral Ridge
Presbyterian Church.
This could be your "Day of
Discovery." Check out their site.
Where did the "Dream Center" vision come from? Visit Phoenix First Assembly of God where Tommy Barnett
pastors the largest Assembly of God church in America.
Here's the Unofficial
Jesse Duplantis Web Site.
Check in with the Full Gospel Businessmen's
Fellowship International.
See what's going on in San Antonio at "John Hagee
Check in with Diane Bish at The Joy of Music.
Visit "Living Way Ministries" with Dr. Jack
You've been asking where it is, and it's finally here. "Benny
Hinn's site."
Get "In Touch" with Dr. Charles Stanley of
First Baptist, Atlanta.
We know God's word because "It
is Written." But it can now be found in cyberspace! Drop in on the producers of
this fine program.
Reach for "Higher Ground" with T. D. Jakes.
Drive the "Highway to Heaven" with Jeff
Jeff's site is also available in the Spanish version
how to make the devil dial "911" at Bob
Larson's site.
Cruise by and visit Pastor John Osteen at Lakewood
Church in Houston, Texas.
for "Love Worth Finding" with Dr. Adrian
Say "shalom" to Zola Levitt.
Bishop Eddie Long believes in setting the house in
For viewers in the Portland, Oregon area as well as various other cities served by National Minority TV, Inc. this site will be of interest.
Richard and Lindsey Roberts can be found here at ORU's site.
Visit Prestonwood Baptist Church and Dr. Jack Graham.
Viewers in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico will want to check out the site for
TBN's great affiliate; Prime Time Christian
Catch up on the latest at "Promise
in Northeast Oregon and Southeast Washington will be interested in checking in with TBN's
affiliate: Radiant Light Broadcasting.
Find out why we have "Reasons to
Believe" with Dr. Hugh Ross.
Reaching America's youth with a message of love and encouragement is Dave Roever.
Make some "happy trails" to... Roy Rogers and
Dale Evans.
Check out the "Unofficial
Jerry Savelle" site.
Visit Ken and Solveigh Henderson at the "Soldiers
for Jesus" site.
Viewers in cities who watch us on Sonlight
Broadcasting Systems should find this site of interest.
Central Florida cruisers can check in with TBN affiliate; Superchannel
55 ,WACX-TV.
Find out how to "acquire the fire" at Teen
Mania Ministries.
what's going on at "This Week in Bible Prophecy."
Speaking of about a visit with Dr. Jack Van
The "doctor is in" at Dr.
Whitaker's site.
Visit Pastor Ed Young at "Winning Walk
Find "The Winner's Way" with Mac
Stop by for a visit with Creflo Dollar
at World Changers Ministries.

Christian Search Engines
If you can't find the site you are looking for here, try searching the net for
it using one of these search engines which specialize in finding Christian websites.